
Navi Mumbai Corporation’s Guidelines to Curb Pollution at Construction Sites

In an effort to combat air and noise pollution at construction sites in Navi Mumbai, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC) has recently released a set of comprehensive standard operating practices (SOP). These guidelines aim to address the growing concerns of residents and align with broader efforts to improve air quality in the region.

New Measures to Control Pollution

One of the key measures outlined in the new guidelines is the requirement to erect 6-meter continuous dust or wind-breaking metal sheets around construction sites. This is intended to prevent dust and debris from spreading into the surrounding environment, reducing air pollution. Additionally, developers and contractors are urged to use tarpaulin or green cloth to cover scaffolding during demolitions, further minimizing the release of pollutants into the air.

The NMMC has emphasized the importance of compliance with these measures, warning of stringent penalties for violations. To ensure adherence to the guidelines, a task force has been formed to monitor construction sites throughout the city. Ward officers are also mandated to conduct regular inspections of construction and excavation sites within their jurisdiction to enforce the new regulations.

Motivation Behind the Guidelines

Municipal Commissioner Kailas Shinde explained that the decision to implement these guidelines was prompted by numerous complaints from citizens and public representatives regarding noise and air pollution from construction activities. The Bombay High Court had also intervened, issuing orders for measures to be taken to curb air pollution in response to these concerns.

In April, Shinde established an expert committee led by additional municipal commissioner Shirish Aradwad to investigate the issue and recommend appropriate solutions. The resulting SOPs, now available on the NMMC website, provide detailed instructions for construction permit holders, developers, and contractors on how to mitigate air and noise pollution effectively.

Key Guidelines for Pollution Mitigation

The guidelines specify various measures to reduce air pollution at construction sites. In addition to erecting wind-breaking sheets and using protective covers on scaffolding, measures include avoiding on-site crushing of demolition materials and implementing continuous water spraying to keep debris moist. These practices are designed to minimize the release of dust and other pollutants into the air during construction activities.

To address noise pollution, developers are encouraged to choose quieter equipment, such as electronic-powered or hydraulic machinery, over louder alternatives. Additionally, covering metal surfaces with rubber to reduce vibrations and installing noise barriers can help protect workers and the community from excessive noise levels.

Reports of violations of the guidelines will be submitted to Somnath Kekan, assistant director of town planning, for further action. Strict measures will be taken against construction permit holders found to be in violation of the regulations, in accordance with the Maharashtra Town Planning Act 1966 and other relevant legislation.


Overall, the Navi Mumbai Corporation’s new guidelines represent a significant step towards reducing air and noise pollution at construction sites in the city. By implementing these measures and enforcing compliance, the NMMC aims to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for residents and workers alike. It is essential for all stakeholders involved in construction activities to adhere to these guidelines to protect the well-being of the community and contribute to the overall improvement of air quality in Navi Mumbai.