Today in Mumbai, the temperature is around 25.63 °C with a forecasted range of 22.99 °C to 27.31 °C. The relative humidity is at 34% and the wind speed is around 34 km/h. The sun rose at 06:55 AM and will set at 05:59 PM. Tomorrow, on December 1, 2024, the minimum and maximum temperature is expected to be 24.29 °C and 27.3 °C, with humidity levels at 41%.

The weather forecast for today predicts cloudy skies, so make sure to plan your day accordingly. Don’t forget to bring your sunscreen and sunglasses if you plan on spending time outdoors. Additionally, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Mumbai today is at 174.0, indicating moderate air quality. It is advisable for children and individuals with respiratory conditions to limit outdoor activities.

Looking ahead, here are the weather and AQI predictions for the next 7 days in Mumbai:
– December 1, 2024: 26.08 °C with overcast clouds
– December 2, 2024: 26.44 °C with overcast clouds
– December 3, 2024: 27.96 °C with scattered clouds
– December 4, 2024: 28.57 °C with broken clouds
– December 5, 2024: 29.12 °C with overcast clouds
– December 6, 2024: 29.29 °C with broken clouds
– December 7, 2024: 28.39 °C with overcast clouds

It’s essential to stay informed about the weather conditions and AQI to ensure your well-being and plan your activities accordingly. Stay updated on the latest weather updates to make the most of your day in Mumbai.

For more detailed information on weather conditions in other cities, you can click here.

Keep in mind that this article is AI-generated and has not been reviewed by Hindustan Times staff, so make sure to verify the information from official sources. Stay safe and enjoy the pleasant weather in Mumbai!