
Fire Incident at Kalina Car Dealer’s Office in Mumbai; No Casualties Reported

A fire broke out at the office of a car dealer in Mumbai’s Kalina area on Wednesday morning, according to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). No casualties were reported. The blaze erupted at 7.44 am on the first-floor office of Navnit Motors, a BMW car dealer, located on CST road in the Kalina area, the civic body said. The fire was confined to the materials kept in the Kalina car dealer’s office, and thick smoke emanated from there, the BMC said. Seven fire brigade vehicles were rushed to the spot, and the fire was extinguished at 9.51 am.

Fire Breaks Out in Mumbai Building

In a similar incident, a fire broke out on the third floor of a four-storey building in south Mumbai on Saturday, according to civic officials. The fire occurred in a house in the Patel Mansion building on Topiwala Lane in the Grant Road area around 11 am. It was classified as a Level 1 fire and was doused at 12.55 pm, with no injuries reported in the blaze.

BEST Bus Catches Fire at Depot; None Hurt

Furthermore, a bus in the fleet of the Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply and Transport caught fire at a depot in the western suburbs on Friday, as per an official statement. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported in the blaze that occurred at the Oshiwara bus depot. A fire tender was immediately deployed, and the fire was extinguished within minutes. A spokesperson from the transport authority mentioned that the fire was caused by overheating during maintenance of the bus, which was on a wet lease from a private operator.

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